The best learning Model

In Landjo Bilingual Technical School, students are exposed to solving real world problems. We give a blended Learning program with an important amount of authentic practical hands-on training component.

Awesome results of our students

Landjo Bilingual Technical School students recently completed their second term examination sequence with a success rate above 87%. The school general average is 13/20 or 65%. a notable progress from the already good average of 60% in the last term.

Latest news and facts

Landjo Bilingual Technical School students Receive Ovations

11 FEB 2023, Cyril Mboulai

Landjo Bilingual Technical School students recently exhibited some of their technical handicraft during the Youth Day march-pass and recieved and award from the educational authorites for the their amazing work. (...)

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Profile of Landjo Bilingual Technical School students

4 APR 2023, Cyril Mbulai

Our students are trained to have the capacity for critical, conceptual and reflective thinking; An intellectual openness and curiosity; The capacity for creativity and originality; Intellectual integrity, respect for truth and for the ethics (...)

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Upcoming events



This will mark the beginning of the third term session of studies in Landjo Technical Bilingual Secondary School (LTBSS) as teachers will discuss on how to round up the national pedagogic program and the school extra curricula activities.

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Teachers of Lanjo Technical Bilingual Secondary School (LTBSS) will be meeting with workers of other sectors at the Mayo-Darle COMMUNITY TRIBUNE to celebrate this day.

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Landjo Technical Bilingual Secondary School (LTBSS) will, with other schools in the country, be evaluating and assessing students’ capacities in their different areas of studies.

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LTBSS will be holding a Disciplinary Counsel to advice and correct students with deviant behavior in the school milieu and the community as a whole.

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